The Margin and the Pivot

The Margin and the Pivot

2-to-1 Ratio relating to the changes between the Margin and the Pivot

Example: If the Pivot goes up by one (1), then the Margin will decrease by two (2).

The Margin & Pivot Approach is based upon the two analogies of the Political Pendulum and Political Seesaw. Consider the below four election cycles (using National figures) of how the pendulum and seesaw interact and show a similar picture:

What a Democrat Landslide Looks like

(1964: Johnson vs.Goldwater)

What a Democrat Landslide Looks like

What a Republican Landslide Looks like

(1984: Reagan vs. Mondale)

What a Republican Landslide Looks like

What a "Tie" Looks like

  (2000: Bush vs. Gore)

What a "Tie" Looks like

When a Major 3rd Party Contender Enters Race

(1992: Bush, Clinton, and Perot)

When a Major 3rd Party Contender Enters Race
Billy Parker

By the method of Margin and Pivot, I have identified an estimated Bloc of “Out-of-Line” Votes here in North Carolina at around 1 Million*. These are NOT necessarily “FRAUDULENT” votes, just out-of-line according to historical margins. I do, however, believe a portion of this number fall into the possible category of “election fraud.” There are a number of forces at play here, including changes in demographics/population. But a major portion of this bloc of votes also includes a mostly so-called “legal” type of election fraud called “vote harvesting.”
* Because this method is based upon the difference in the actual margin and what the margin is estimated as having to should have been – based upon historical data, this is an inexact science for determining the exact number of the “Out-of-Line” Bloc of Votes.

– Billy Parker

How the Estimated 1 Million Number of “Questionable” Ballots in 2020 for North Carolina are derived using the Margin & Pivot Approach:

Donald Trump received support of 26.43% of the Total Population (the Highest in Modern History) in North Carolina for the 2020 General Election.
At that Level of support by the total population, the Margins (according to historical standards) should have been around 10.0%. Instead, they were only 0.72%.

Do the Math:
(10.0% - 0.72%) x 10,439,388 Population = 968,775

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