Vote Harvesting? and Four Commonly Asked Questions

When discussing the Voter Participation Rate (VPR), there are often four questions that repeatedly come up; and
they are as following:
Why is the VPR usually under 50% – for a functional democratic republic such as the United States?
Isn't a higher VPR a good thing?
If the problem is "Fraud." then where is it coming from?
Shouldn't Republicans be Vote Harvesting too?

Columns D, E, and F of the above VPR Math Formula represents what is called the “Get-Out-the-Vote” Calculation. Let’s consider how the percentage variables for this calculation has changed over the past two decades.

The VPR Math Formula
Columns D, E, and F of the above VPR Math Formula represents what is called the “Get-Out-the-Vote” Calculation. Let’s consider how the percentage variables for this calculation has changed over the past two decades.
How the

* The Youth Population (under 18 years of age) is determined by the US Census. The Adult Population of Ineligible voters, for this analysis is estimated at 4%.

Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

  1. Why is the VPR usually under 50% - for a functional democratic republic such as the United States? Simply put, it is how the numbers are calculated.  When considering the “Get-Out-the-Vote” number from the VPR Math Formula, the highest (legally) that it can be is that of Column D – the “Eligible Voter %” – which is largely determined by Census data (those 18 and older) but less those Adults who are ineligible to vote.  When you multiply this percentage by the other two percentages (Columns E and F), you traditionally come up with a percentage below 50%.
  2. Isn’t a higher VPR a good thing? This is a question that you will really have to answer for yourself.  Traditionally the VPR was under 40%; now in some states, it is over 50%.  It should be noted, however, that in Communist countries, the VPR is often 90% or higher.  Are our elections becoming more like those countries?
  3. If the problem is “Fraud,” then where is it coming from? It is coming from Columns E and F of the VPR Math Formula.  The “Registration to Eligible Voter %” (Column E) has traditionally been below 90%; now in North Carolina, it is way up to 95.14%.  I have solid evidence that our voter rolls are bloated with fake registrations.  Is there any wonder why this number is so high?  But more importantly, one must consider the “Ballots Received to Registration %” number (Column F).  Traditionally, this has been around 60%, with about a +/- 5% variance between election cycles; now it’s way up to 75.07% - a historical high.  That’s right; traditionally, of the registered voters, only about 60% actually show up to the polls to vote.  The remaining 40% who do not vote offers tremendous opportunities for mischief by the Democrats.  I believe the Democrats know the probability of the unlikelihood of voting by this pool of 40% of voters.  I further believe that the Democrats send people around to vote in the names of many of these “unlikely” voters.  Again, I have gathered some evidence to this affect.
  4. Shouldn’t Republicans be Vote Harvesting too? The Democrats have already picked all the low hanging fruit in the availability of new voters.  As one can plainly see, the percentages that make up the “Get-Out-the-Vote” calculation is very close to being “maxed out.”  Where exactly are the Republicans supposed to go get all these “new” voters with Vote Harvesting to offset what the Democrats have done to our election system?  The “Registration to Eligible Voter %” is already up to 95.14% in NC (with 100% being the maximum amount legally allowed); and the “Ballots Received to Registration %” is now 75.07% in NC – the highest in history.  Yes the Republicans might be able to squeeze one or two more percent out of these numbers (and the Democrats will be attempting to do the same); but can Republicans really offset what the Democrats have done, and beat them at their own game?  I contend that everybody who is willing to vote Republican is already voting Republican.  And changing them from a precinct voter to a mail-in voter through Vote Harvesting schemes is only going to move people from one column to another, on the same side of the ledger.  The only real solution is to change our election system back to what it used to be with only Election Day voting (no Early Voting) and getting rid of the No-Excuse Absentee Ballots.
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